A downloadable game for Windows and macOS
Enter: Restart
W or ↑ : FORWARD
S or ↓ : REVERSE
A and D or ←and→ : Turn
J: Drift Boost
TheMidiMan: https://www.youtube.com/@NotTheMIDIMan (Dialogue)
Title Screen: Beat of the Rising Sun
Game: Disconnected
IAMCHEEZE (me): Everything else
Install instructions
NOTE: For some reason, itch marks the game files as "not safe" so, you'll need to go to your system settings and allow non-identified developers' projects to be opened.
For Windows, extract and unzip until you get the .exe file, open that, and it will give you a warning. You have to click "more info" on the underlined text, then run it anyway
For Mac, go to privacy settings and allow non-identified developers' projects to be opened there. Use the itch launcher to download this game, but you can also download it off of the web and then un-zip it using some third-party software.
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